An Arab she said. I went to bed after reading about Palin’s abuse of power. Waking up I had some convoluted memory of a dream. Some characters you just can’t forget and one of them is Captain Dudley (LA Confidential). Seems our socially ignorant Arab hater was transformed into a young soldier bleeding to death on a battlefield. A transfusion would save her but the only available soldier with her blood type was an Arab-American. Captain Dudley said the transfusion would save her but she would have none of it. She would not have that blood in her veins. Cradled in Captain Dudley’s arms her eyes were wide in fear as the good Captain placed his hands over her nose and mouth and said “Hush now dear and get on with your dying.” Staring into her eyes he was. And then, as a dream might go, he had a microphone in his hand and he said, “No, no. He is a good decent man with whom I have disagreements.” As Dudley morphs into John McCain, he hands the mike to another supporter and breaks into a sweat not knowing what the comment or question might be.
Tom Paine
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