This morning on "Morning Joe," Peggy Noonan expressed disdain over Barrack Obama's acceptance speech last night at the Democratic National Convention.
Noonan, Rhetoric, and Red Pigs.
I heard her. She only wishes she could have written it for Reagan. Rhetoric my butt. Isn't that what Reagan was about-rhetoric? Didn't Reagan read her rhetoric laden speeches?
Speeches she wrote for Reagan were delivered by a man who seemed to lack passion. Reagan the great orator was not that to me. I thought his delivery was wooden, hollow, Republicaneese wrapped in cliches and cute phraseology. Obama evidenced a passion never heard in Reagan. I hope he can achieve much of what he ambitions he might.
When Noonan had her problem with accusations of plagiarism, Imus graciously continued bringing her on his show. I listened and admired Imus for his constancy, believing Noonan and taking her at her word. I agree she probably did not do what she did intentionally. However, her evaluation of Obama's speech says much about her and, as she writes history, her negative comments seem worthy of at least a footnote in a history. I now know all I will ever, ever need to know of her.
Washington's a tough town with lots of little piggy's mucking about for a teat they can cling to for four years. It is the sows that need be kicked out of town. The piggys will follow. Pigs and sows dressed in red are the same nonetheless. I must say however (with an apology to Will Rogers), that I never met a blue pig I didn't like.
Tom Paine
She does seem to have some redemptive quality about her. Her Regan worship irks most. (Added 03/01/09)
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