Unknown to almost all, cellulite was a hallmark of great beauty admired by the ancient Romans and other antiquarian cultures. Cellula was a goddess worshipped by many. Michelangelo soon realized that depicting cellulite in his sculptures and paintings was just impossible; he could not capture the beauty of (I don"t remember the Latin words) "little mounds and craters on the moon" and soon followed the examples of other artists who all seemed to agree that awesomely beautiful cellulite was too difficult to capture by brush or chisel. They settled on the convention we know of today: smooth skin means beautiful skin. The next time you visit London, try to arrange for a special tour of the lower basement of the British Museum. on display is art from ancient Rome and Greece which attempted to capture the beauty of cellulite-but failed. All hail Cellula!
Tom Paine
Tom Paine
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