Tuesday, September 30, 2008


A Great Shower Curtain
She just knows the wee nubbin out there is Russia.

I've been subscribing to the New Yorker, off and on, for years. I kept a cover that was a cartoon map of the United States from a New Yorker's perspective. It is in a box in an attic. It is torn here and there. Well it turned out the cover was very popular indeed. It became the basis for a shower curtain and was sold by the New Yorker for years. It still may be.

Looks like I have another keeper coming in the mail. A "Palin's Perspective" shower curtain?

Tom Paine

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Mars Attacks

Mars Attacks!

It wants 800 billion ephemera*!

I’m reading about Palin and the wrecked economy on the Huffpost and there’s a movie “Mars Attacks” on too. Yes, I’m a Democratic elitist. The info screen says “It’s up to a handful of brave-but-zany goofy survivors to stop the onslaught.” Glen Close, Jack Nicholson, Danny DeVito, etc. are part of an ensemble cast; the movie was released in ’96. You might need to see it to appreciate this.

I drifted off. In my reverie a bunch of nasty Republicans have destroyed the economy and blame the people of earth (mostly American taxpayers). Their army, they call it the core, unleashes battalions of unibrow fundamentalists and southern racists advancing the flag of Sarah Palin, now Queen of the Unibrows, and Mumbles McSame who are dedicated to defeating a black candidate, a nice guy, seeking the highest office in the land. This is war. Security has been doubled at Saint Regan’s sepulcure at Valhalla.

Throughout all of this, the Republicans constantly play “Onward Christian Soldiers” which really gets the core going. Democrats counter with “Brother Can You Spare a Dime” which drives the Republicans nutty and they implode as they eat their young.

I woke up remembering most of what I dreamed. At the end, Obama and Biden were holding the key to the White House and a bag with an IOU stating “IOU 800 Billion ephemera* –get it off the taxpayers. Ha! Ha!” (signed) George Bush.

Tom Paine

*Ephemera is used instead of dollars. Tom paine will write more on this subject in the near future

Friday, September 12, 2008



You wouldn't want to accuse either McCain or Palin of glossing over the facts for fear of their considering that they have been maligned by another reference to lipstick.

Can there be any doubt that we are looking at a ticket headed up by right wingers whose allegances are not with the common man and woman? I'd suggest that McCain and Palin express an obtuse understanding of this nation's living history that is counter to America's best interests, to our best interests. Being a war hero, being a governor,being a woman, being a man, being a mayor, being a senator, are nothing less than punch holes on a ticket that some would hope gives them entre to the highest office. The punch holes are meaningless if the bearers are, as the saying goes, intellectually dishonest.

In the current New York Review of Books, Andrew Hacker reviews three books on the disenfranchisement of blacks in America. Titled "Obama, The Price of Being Black," his piece tells us of successful efforts by the right to make it very difficult if not impossible for many black people to vote.

Look around and find someone who will need to be registered to vote and help them to register. Haunt them. Drive them to the ballot box. Get out the vote!

And if one wants to bring God into all of this, then thank God for a free press.
Tom Paine

Monday, September 8, 2008

Change In Washington, DC

Up Change

I sense the most successful at working for real change in Washington are the talented buskers who play music in the D.C. Metro stations. They brighten the day for grey bureaucrats and politicians. What a great way to start the day, helping buskers with change.

Unfortunately, the memory of music fades, soon overcome by the elegiac droning of bushspeak and govbull. Change becomes much less a goal than an unwanted interruption to a comfortable status quo.

Tom Paine